Past Site News


News Item January 42015


Welcoming in the new year I’ve added the Quake Live Rail Game to the projects page, flashwork page, and archives page. The CMS has also been updated further to support more functionality.



News Item September 62014


I’ve developed an eJuice Calculator that I am releasing on my site. Before making this calculator I found an eJuice Calculator from Tod Muller that didn’t quite fit my needs. It was accepting improper inputs which would display negative percentages and didn’t seem to provide any baseline error checking. I couldn’t find a mathematical source for a similar eJuice Calculator in my quick searches so I went ahead and developed my own that allows for variable Drops/ml, 7 Flavors, Water, and Alcohol percentages. The negative values should not show up in the recipe and will display an error message when incorrect values are present such as having a higher Target mg/ml than the Base mg/ml. Check it out at 3Dmitchell eJuice Calculator, save your favorite recipes and share them! The PHP source is available upon request, please give me a week or two to compile it for generic use.


The headers of all the pages have been changed to implement a text-shadow property if your browser supports it and I have cleaned up a couple pieces of the site which would be unnoticeable to the end user. A couple of modifications were made to the account/administration sections and I built a dynamic API System to assist tracking/exporting of data. The PHP Comment Hit Counter System release has been delayed as I would like to clean up some more of the code first.



News Item April 142014


The whole site has been converted over to a responsive design template called Responsee.  It was amazing that this developer provided his template for free and I thank him for it since it taught me a lot about responsive design and quickly sped up my responsive design process.

I have used the theme to integrate my development CMS system which has now been put into production!  I have around 20-25 custom written modules that I made specifically to be integrated into my CMS/Database.  One of the modules is a theme builder for which there are multiple themes available, including ones that are not responsive but who wants to use those?! With the theme builder the admin/superuser is able to manipulate CSS themes, JS includes, PHP header include (<head> of document), PHP top include (top of <body> of document), and a PHP footer include (above the </body> of document).  Using these components a strong theming system can be developed but I am still in the works of a system to search all the content types efficiently.

I have recreated the whole site; homepage, news page, archives, projects page, 3d2d page, and the Flash Game Portal is in the works. Stay tuned, more updates to come as well as the release of my Comment Hit Counter System.



News Item December 282013


Did a little bit of PHP work and went through all the pages on the site. I reconfigured some of the pages to allow comments to be used effectively bringing back the commenting system. The old system had went down due to a PHP server upgrade but at the time I did not have the expertise to code one myself or fix the errors in the current system. I have completely written a comment system from scratch that can be included on any page on the site. The system has the option for spam verification and emailing the administrator when new comments are posted. More details on the system to come!

I have also created the 2013 archive section as well as publishing the Halloween Flash Banner into the 2013 archives.



News Item March 282013


Went through some of the pages and did a lot of maintenance. I changed a little bit of the verbiage for landing pages and updated the news page with a new news archive. I added a border onto the sidebar calendar on the news page and updated the recent projects and archives listing. Some content additions are the Fuessel Pump & Tank project to the projects page along with the Greg the Bunny Soundboard to the projects page and flash work page. was moved into the 2010 archive section and removed from the main menu, the 2012 section was also created in the archives. In the 2012 section I published and the Quake Live Item Timer.


If you are looking for the latest news, check the news page.
