Sample HTML Page Layout

Standard code for top of page (html,head,title)

Each piece of HTML must be opened and closed properly, even the whole page itself has a <html> and </html> that are needed


<head> - invisible section, contains meta and title information

<meta> - for search engines, left blank for now with no attributes

<title>Simple HTML Tutorial</title>


<body> - content start

Body set attributes bgcolor or background using <body bgcolor="FFFFFF"> or <body background="background.jpg">


align paragraphs using p align="(center, left, right)"

<b> or <strong> for bold, <i> or <em> for italic, <u> for underline



Tables: Open with <table>, <tr>, <td>. Close with </td>, </tr>, </table> in order. <table> is for a table, <tr> is a table row, <td> is a table data cell

<table> starts new table, applicable attributes are align="(center, left, right)", width="(width in px)", height="(height in px)", border="(border thickness in px)"

<tr> starts new table row

<td> starts new table cell, applicable attributes are align="(center, left, right)", width="(width in px)", height="(height in px)", border="(border thickness in px)", valign="(bottom, top, center)"

Table row 1, Cell 1 Table row 1, Cell 2
Table row 2, Cell 1 Table row 2, Cell 2

The code for this table:

<table align="center" width="400" height="400" border="1">
<td align="right" valign="top">
Table row 1, Cell 1</td>
Table row 1, Cell 2</td>
<td align="left" valign="top">
Table row 2, Cell 1</td>
Table row 2, Cell 2</td>





Product layout style

<table align="center" width="950">


<td align="center" valign="top" width="250">

Product Here
Click photo to enlarge.

48  Disc Storage System  (Model QSO-48)
36"Wide x 24"Deep x 72"Height
    (48) Disc Holder QSO-48
    (96) Disc Holder QSO-96
    (128) Disc Holder QSO-128
    (256) Disc Holder QSO-256
    (512) Disc Holder QSO-512

This solid Disc holder will hold all of you Jewel Case discs. CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, mini-disc adapter, etc. This system holds a total of 12 types of media and has adjustable shelves to make sure that all your favorite discs will be organized and in a safe place that will last. There are different sizes available, so make sure you pick out the right one. Also available in different colors.

    Click this box to order the holders, specify your color in the order please: Blue, Yellow, Green, Red, Ivory or Black.

The code for this table:

<table align="center" width="950" border="2">


<td width="250" align="center" valign="top"><a href="images/icondw.png" target="_blank">
<img src="images/icondw.png" alt="Product Here" height="121" width="128" border="0"></a>

<a href="images/icondw.png" target="_blank"><font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000000"><b>Click photo to enlarge.</b></font></a>


<font size="5"> <b>48</b>&nbsp; Disc Storage System</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;(Model QSO-48)
<font face="Arial" size="3" color="#ff0033"> <b>36"Wide x 24"Deep x 72"Height
(48) Disc Holder QSO-48<br>
(96) Disc Holder QSO-96 <br>
(128) Disc Holder QSO-128<br>
(256) Disc Holder QSO-256 <br>
(512) Disc Holder QSO-512<br>
<div align="left">This solid Disc holder will hold all of you Jewel Case discs. CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, mini-disc adapter, etc. This system holds a total of 12 types of media and has adjustable shelves to make sure that all your favorite discs will be organized and in a safe place that will last. There are different sizes available, so make sure you pick out the right one. Also available in different colors. </div>


<form name="Green1">
<select name="v">


<option value="#"> (48) Disc Holder QSO-48 - $86.00 </option>
<option value="#"> (96) Disc Holder QSO-96 - $102.00 </option>
<option value="#"> (128) Disc Holder QSO-128 - $121.00 </option>
<option value="#"> (256) Disc Holder QSO-256 - $154.00 </option>
<option value="#"> (512) Disc Holder QSO-512 - $195.00 </option>
<input type="button" style="background:#CC0000;color:#FFFFFF;" value="Buy Now" onClick="location.href = #">

<div align="left"> <font face="Arial" size="-1" color="#ff0000" >
Click this box to order the holders, specify your color in the order please: </b></font>

<font face="Arial" color="#003399">Blue, </font> <font face="Arial" color="#FFFF33"><b> Yellow,</b></font> <font face="Arial" color="#006633">Green, </font> <font face="Arial" color="#ff0033"> Red, </font> <font face="Arial" color="#CCCCCC">Ivory </font><font face="Arial" color="#000000"> or Black.



How to implement images:

<img src="(LINK to image)">

fish tales poster

Here is the code used for the above image which links to google:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="images/fish-tales-poster-small.jpg" border="1" alt="fish tales poster" width="297" height="325" /></a>

attributes are alt="(mouseover text)", width="(width in px)", height="(height in px)", border="(border thickness in px)"


How to make links:

<a href="(LINK)">Text for Link or Image for Link</a>

attributes are target="(_blank (opens in new page), _self (opens in the already open page), _parent, _top)"


When ALL content is put on page in a HTML editor, the </body> tag is always at the end. Nothing outside of the body tags should be visible on a page. This is why if you code the HTML, it is important to check that all the viewable page content is inside the body tags <body> and </body>




End the HTML page with the </html> tag



Benefits in coding from hand:

  • Able to thoroughly check website and code for errors with minimal time
  • Able to fix errors very quickly without going through prompts
  • Ability to implement many features and code that cannot be done in design views

Problems in coding from hand:

  • Tags are not closed (stackup can occur, stackup is multiple tags not being closed and affecting multiple parts of the page below the code which has errors)
  • Tags are written in uppercase instead of lowercase (lowercase is the XHTML standard now, makes it easier for browsers to distinguish code, </BODY> = BAD, </body> = good

Benefits in using HTML editors:

  • Easy navigation of page and real time page view minus active script and php content
  • Even beginners can create web pages
  • Some tasks are cut down drastically in time that required lengthy coding such as creating navigation menus with rollovers and large tables
  • Images can be previewed easily and checked for proper fitment

Problems in using HTML editors:

  • Bold tag is used as <strong> and not <b> which some designers prefer using the shorter tag <b> and also <i> instead of <em>
  • Extra code is implemented somtimes that is not needed nor wanted
  • Lost insight to checking the code section for errors which are not visible in the design view
  • Sometimes writing the code by hand is faster than clicking through the prompts


Ending thoughts:

  • Understanding HTML and using a HTML editor together has huge advantages to design
  • Using just a HTML editor without understanding the code will make it very hard in the long run
  • Following the guidelines on this page you should be able to create a simple website with basic professional code
  • Save your document soon and often to avoid losing work!!
  • Keep at it and go out and read more about Web Design or read more articles at